International Baccalaureate Programme (IB) » DP Music HL

DP Music HL

Mr. William Spain…..Instructor
Room: 329 Phone: (773) 534-2320 ext. 29041
Involving aspects of the composition, performance and critical analysis of music, the course exposes students to forms, styles and functions of music from a wide range of historical and socio-cultural contexts. Students create, participate in, and reflect upon music from their own background and those of others. External assessment consists of a) the Listening paper (musical perception questions), and b) the Musical links investigation (a written media script investigating the significant musical links between two or more pieces from distinct musical cultures) At SL students choose one option from among the following: a) Creating, b) Solo performing, c) Group performing.  Internal assessment consists, at HL, of a) Creating, and b) Solo performing.