Eman Sarhan » Posts


ٍPhysics R- Learning week 4:27

Hello all
The schedules below will be updated with new links and assignments Weekly.
Daily assignments will be listed on Google Classroom.
My daily Virtual Office Hours are from 1-2pm where you can expect immediate feedback or answers.  Please send me an email or we can connect in Google Chat.

Physics R-Learning Plan 4-20

Hello all
The schedules below will be updated with new links and assignments Weekly.
Daily assignments will be listed on Google Classroom.
My daily Virtual Office Hours are from 1-2pm where you can expect immediate feedback or answers.  Please send me an email or we can connect in Google Chat.

Physics Remote Learning week 4/13/2020

Hello all
The schedules below will be updated with new links and assignments Weekly.
Daily assignments will be listed on Google Classroom.
My daily Virtual Office Hours are from 1-2pm where you can expect immediate feedback or answers.  Please send me an email or we can connect in Google Chat.