Lesley Jorge » Posts


Remote Learning Week 8 and STAY SAFE

Dear Amundsen families-
I have said this so many times in the last few weeks, but it bears a special repeating today.. please stay safe.  Our city, and even the nation as a whole, is in great pain right now.  And of course, there is still a looming threat of COVID-19.  Please take care of one another. Love one another, and stay safe.  To my students,  I miss you all so much and want nothing more than to see each of you safe and whole. 
Be well,
Madame Jorge

Remote Learning Week 7- French

Happy Memorial Day my French Fries!
I hope you all take the time today to rest and rejuvenate.  I am posting this week's assignment, and it does include "Monday Activities."  You can of course, do these any day of the week.  If you choose to complete the Monday activities, I will give you 5 points of extra credit on the assignment. The end of the year is close, and I am so proud of you all for continuing to work and learn from home. I know it has not been easy.  Vous me manquez beaucoup!
- Madame-

Remote Learning Week 6 - French

Bonjour mes Viking French Fries!
Here is this wee's assignment.  We are focusing on patience this week, as it seems to me that many people are are running out of it about now.  Please have patience with your loved ones, yourself, and the world this week.  Feel free to reach out if you need anything at all.  I miss you guys so much.  
Be well,
Madame Jorge

Happy Mother's Day

To all the Moms, Aunties, Grandmas, Godmoms, and other Momish folks out there: Happy Mother's Day.  I hope that you have found some nice ways to celebrate with your families and loved ones today, even if it was from a safe social distance. I am attaching this week's Remote Learning assignment to this post.  As always, work is due on Friday sometime before midnight.  Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. 
Please be checking in on the parent/student portal (ASPEN) to see updated grades. Live class will be held on Wednesday morning. See page one of this week's assignment for times and other details. 
My best to you all this special weekend,
Madame Jorge

Remote Learning Week 4 and Update Grading

Bonjour Viking French students,
I hope that you are all hanging in there as social distancing continues. I am attaching the Google Slides tasks for next week to this post.  Please take time and complete them to the very best of your ability. Also, please know that all work is now being counted as part of your grade.  See CPS updated grading guidelines which were sent to your email last Thursday (April 30).  That email contains VERY important information for students and families about Q4 and second semester grades.  Our live classes will be held on Wednesday. Please reach out of you have any questions. 
Missing you all so much!

Remote Learning Week 3

Bonjour tout le monde:
As our shelter in place order continues on, I encourage all of my student and their families to get out side when the sun is shining.  Be kind to each other.  Grant the people around you lots of grace.  And, of course, spend sometime on your French remote learning for the week.  I am here to help you and support you in any way that I can.  
Be well,

Week 2 of Remote Learning

Good afternoon my French studying Vikings!  I am going to attach the week 2 work for French's remotes learning. Please be sure that you complete the work and submit it via Google Classroom.  I hope you all are well and MERCI pour le travaille excellent!  (Thanks for the great work last week).  Miss you all so much! 

Remote Learning- Week 1 April 13-17

Good afternoon,
As we begin our first week of CPS Remote Learning, I want to assure you all that I am here to support your learning.  Listed on this page, you will see a link to the week's learning activities and objectives.  There are activities planned for each day that will support your listening, reading, and writing language acquisition skills.  On Wednesday's I will be hosting live classes via Google Hangout. If for some reason you are not able to get on our live class, I will post a recording of the lesson on our Google Classroom.  
Since school has closed, I have been contacted by Viking French students who have shared French movies that they have watched, music that they have listened to, audio books that they have "read," and Duolingo lessons that they have completed just for fun!  With so much enthusiasm, I feel confident that we will work together through these uncertain times and get some great French learning done. 
Please reach out if you need me at anytime.