GWC Field Trip

GWC Field Trip

The following students from the AHS "Girls Who Code Club" will be attending a workshop at the Michigan Avenue Apple Store tomorrow (12/05/19), learning how to take an iPhone/iPad App "idea" and translate it into a "digital design". 



Ajayi , Oluwatobi

Bah, Issatou

Caldwell, Makayla

Clough, Nicole

Crawford, Biance

Mitchell, Amber

Mondragon, Vanessa

Orogbu, Cindy

Ortiz, Calista

Pinto, Jocely

Romero, Guadalupe

Salazar, Jaden

Please release them from any class they are in at 9:00am (middle of 2nd period) so that we may gather at the 1st floor security desk before departure. Students will return by 2:00pm so they will be signed-out for a SF from 3rd - 7th periods. They should report to their 8th-period class.

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