8th Caswell ToK-8 Assignments

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Second Quarantine Discussion: Memory and History in Google Classroom

Second Quarantine Discussion: Memory and History

Attached is an article with an opinion on how collective memory is changing political attitudes across the Western World. Keep in mind the website this article appears on absolutely has a political bias; you don't have to agree with it, we're just trying to consider how Memory affects the way people use their knowledge out in the world.

For discussion, I present the following questions:
- What biases do you think the author has? What country is it written in? What movements do they support or oppose?
- The author never uses the word "memory," but implicitly, what do they say is the impact of collective memory in politics? Do they think the arguments made appealing to people's memory are legitimate? If not, what does the author think the real cause is?
- Why do you think that this type of appeal to memory is so powerful in politics?


First Quarantine Discussion: Memory from a Practical Perspective in Google Classroom

First Quarantine Discussion: Memory from a Practical Perspective

Hello everyone,

Attached is a powerpoint that I often show at this point in the unit. It should look at least somewhat familiar to any of you who were with us at the Boot Camp this summer. I'd like you to read through the slides, and if you'd like to share you can respond to this by saying:
- Can you corroborate any of this information from your own personal experiences? Have the "best practices" worked for you?
- Is there anything you'd like to change about your own study habits based on the information presented?

I'll put up more to think about on Thursday, so if you'd like to join the discussion please do so by then. I'm considering if it'd be worthwhile to make another extra google classroom so students from both classes can see and respond to each other, let me know if you think that'd be a good idea as well.


Policy Applications in Google Classroom

Policy Applications


Policy Article Activity in Google Classroom

Policy Article Activity


Please have one person from your group attach your planning docs for the RLS presentation here and submit it in Google Classroom

Please have one person from your group attach your planning docs for the RLS presentation here and submit it

Make sure everyone's name is on the planning doc


Encapsulated Universes in Google Classroom

Encapsulated Universes

Read & Answer


Elections Article Assignment in Google Classroom

Elections Article Assignment


Agnosia Reading in Google Classroom

Agnosia Reading


The Dress in Google Classroom

The Dress

Read the articles (you can divvy them up between multiple people for reading purposes, but everyone must turn in their own write-up), then answer the questions. We'll discuss on Monday. Try not to let the debates get out of hand. It's due midnight tonight, so it would be ideal to finish up in class.


Hobbes/Locke Quiz in Google Classroom

Hobbes/Locke Quiz