IB Global Politics-Period 7 Assignments

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Week 7 Remote Learning Assignment in Google Classroom

Week 7 Remote Learning Assignment

Hello Everyone!!!!
Attached is the last assignment we will complete for the school year.
All assignments (late or on time) are due bye next Friday June 12th at 12pm.


Week 6 Remote Learning Assignment in Google Classroom

Week 6 Remote Learning Assignment

Attached is this weeks assignment. We are moving along to the next unit, which is Development. Hopefully by now many of the things you have been learning in this class are starting to gel into a Global Politics framework in your mind. So when you read and discover about development you are thinking of the ideas and theories you have learned about and of course, the #1 thing to remember is that its all about POWER in the end.

Make sure to download and add the 2 textbooks to your google drive so you can always have access to them.
Any questions????????
Email me


Week 5 Remote Learning in Google Classroom

Week 5 Remote Learning

Hi everyone!!!! I hope everyone is doing good.
Attached is this weeks assignment.
It is a Paper 1 Test on Human Rights that was used in past IB Assessments.
This will be your Human Rights Unit Assessment & great practice for next years exams.
1. On a separate piece of paper write your answers. Please make sure you refer to the documents in every answer. Also, refer to things you have learned over the past 7 weeks. Include theorists, the UN Declaration on Human Rights, NGO's, MNC's (All those key words that get you points)
2. Give yourself 1 hour and 15 minutes to complete. (You don't have to do it all in shot, break it up into days)
3. I will be grading it using the IB Paper 1 Mark Scheme & give you feedback.
4. Upload your answers on here.
5. I will be live tomorrow from 9:30am to 10am to answer any of your questions.
6. Please reach out to me with any questions you might have with the remote learning assignment.
7. Good luck and I cannot wait to read your


Please complete this short Survey ASAP!!! in Google Classroom

Please complete this short Survey ASAP!!!

II need to do some major planning for next year and need to know who will be in the class. I know some of you will not be in the class.
Please complete the very short survey.


Week 4 assignment in Google Classroom

Week 4 assignment

Are Human Rights Universal?
Attached is your assignment for this week.
We will have a live google chat this Thursday at 2pm. I'll post the link before hand
Please continue to get work turned in to all your teachers.
We understand that many of you are overwhelmed by all of this so PLEASE reach out to your teachers and tell them what is going on.
Any questions? Email me


Week 3 Assignment in Google Classroom

Week 3 Assignment

Attached is your assignment for week 3


Week 2 Assignment in Google Classroom

Week 2 Assignment

Read the attached chapter from the Donnelly textbook on global politics and answer the following questions.
Please make sure that your answers are at least 5-7 complete sentences with proper referencing from the attached textbook chapter.


Human Rights Chapter 2 Questions in Google Classroom

Human Rights Chapter 2 Questions

Attached are the questions for the rest of Chapter 2.


Theoretical Perspective and Human Rights in Google Classroom

Theoretical Perspective and Human Rights


Introduction to Human Rights: Book Questions in Google Classroom

Introduction to Human Rights: Book Questions


The Case Against Human Rights in Google Classroom

The Case Against Human Rights


Human Rights, A Very short introduction
 in Google Classroom

Human Rights, A Very short introduction

Read pages 9-52 and answer the guided reading questions.
Please make sure to answer all your answers with complete sentences and use textual evidence


Chapter 1.4 Communities Book questions in Google Classroom

Chapter 1.4 Communities Book questions


How effective are NGOs? in Google Classroom

How effective are NGOs?


Chapter 1.3 Non-State Actors in Google Classroom

Chapter 1.3 Non-State Actors


IGO Project in Google Classroom

IGO Project


Essay title:
"China's rise will be peaceful". Examine the claim from the perspectives of structural realism and neoliberalism.   in Google Classroom

Essay title: "China's rise will be peaceful". Examine the claim from the perspectives of structural realism and neoliberalism.

Step 1: Read and make notes on China’s “rise”- what is it? Write down the reference as you go.
Step 2: Read and make notes on Mearsheimer’s perspective. What are his key arguments and what evidence does he use to support them? Write down the reference as you go.
Step 3: Read and make notes on Nye’s perspective. What are his key arguments and what evidence does he use to support them? Write down the reference as you go.
Step 4: Put them together. Take the main arguments of each theorist and make connections between them.
Simply put, your essay will have the same structure as the video. A point from one side and then the counterclaim made by the other. It is like a conversation but instead of saying “I disagree with my friend John”, you say “on the other hand, Nye argues that…”.
Step 5: Use these main points as the basis of your essay.
Step 6: Find additional factual evidence to back-up each point- this evidence can be events which have happened, statements given by politicians, or what other realist/ liberal theorists have said. Write down the reference as you go.


Rough Draft and Sources in Google Classroom

Rough Draft and Sources

Please attach copies of your sources in APA style as well as a rough draft of your essay.
You'll need 8-15 sources


Liberalism in Google Classroom



Realism  in Google Classroom



Arab Spring Essay in Google Classroom

Arab Spring Essay

As you watch the film take notes and use the film to write a 5 paragraph essay on how The government of Egypt and the revolutionaries during the Arab Spring used both Hard and Soft Power to achieve their goals. Where they successful in creating goals? ALSO, use 3 articles/sources in your essay.


Joseph Nye Article  in Google Classroom

Joseph Nye Article