MYP Biology-4th Period Assignments

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Past Assignments


More Complex Cells and Cellular Differentiation Quizizz in Google Classroom

More Complex Cells and Cellular Differentiation Quizizz


A&B: Henrietta's Tumor in Google Classroom

A&B: Henrietta's Tumor

A completely optional, extra-credit assignment


A&B: Treating Cancer with Magnetic Fields in Google Classroom

A&B: Treating Cancer with Magnetic Fields

A completely optional, extra-credit assignment


A&B: In the Developing World, Cancer Is a Very Different Disease in Google Classroom

A&B: In the Developing World, Cancer Is a Very Different Disease

A completely optional. extra-credit assignment


A&B: Risks and Benefits of Radiation in Medicine in Google Classroom

A&B: Risks and Benefits of Radiation in Medicine

Completely optional, extra-credit assignment.  Remember that your grade will not get rounded at the end of the semester.


A&B: A new Death Toll for Smoking in Google Classroom

A&B: A new Death Toll for Smoking


Cell Cycle and Cancer Quizizz in Google Classroom

Cell Cycle and Cancer Quizizz


Edpuzzle - Amoeba Sisters - The Cell Cycle and Cancer 2023 in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle - Amoeba Sisters - The Cell Cycle and Cancer 2023


Cancer Progression Notes in Google Classroom

Cancer Progression Notes

Picture with School ID


CFU: Cancer Genes in Google Classroom

CFU: Cancer Genes


Cell Division and Cancer Reading from Scitable in Google Classroom

Cell Division and Cancer Reading from Scitable

Picture with ID


Mutagens, oncogenes, and metastasis are involved in the development of primary and secondary tumors notes
 in Google Classroom

Mutagens, oncogenes, and metastasis are involved in the development of primary and secondary tumors notes

Picture with ID


Recognizing Cancer with Mitotic Index in Google Classroom

Recognizing Cancer with Mitotic Index


Discovery of Cyclins notes in Google Classroom

Discovery of Cyclins notes

Picture of notes with ID


Mitotic Index Notes in Google Classroom

Mitotic Index Notes

Picture of notes with ID


CFU: Cell Checkpoints and Cyclins in Google Classroom

CFU: Cell Checkpoints and Cyclins


Cyclins are involved in the control of the cell cycle notes in Google Classroom

Cyclins are involved in the control of the cell cycle notes


Cell Cycle Checkpoints Notes in Google Classroom

Cell Cycle Checkpoints Notes


Cell Division Quizizz in Google Classroom

Cell Division Quizizz


Onion Root Tip Lab in Google Classroom

Onion Root Tip Lab

Please have Parts A-E completed for tomorrow.  I will stamp it in your lab notebook


Mitosis in Onion Root Tips Lab Data Collection in Google Classroom

Mitosis in Onion Root Tips Lab Data Collection


Cytokinesis Notes in Google Classroom

Cytokinesis Notes

Picture with ID


CFU: Cytokinesis in Google Classroom

CFU: Cytokinesis


CFU: Cell cycle, mitosis, and forms of DNA in Google Classroom

CFU: Cell cycle, mitosis, and forms of DNA


CFU: DNA Packaging During the Cell Cycle in Google Classroom

CFU: DNA Packaging During the Cell Cycle


Mitosis is division of the nucleus into two genetically identical daughter nuclei notes in Google Classroom

Mitosis is division of the nucleus into two genetically identical daughter nuclei notes


DNA during the Cell Cycle notes in Google Classroom

DNA during the Cell Cycle notes

Only Page 1 of this document.  Picture of your notes with school ID


CFU: DNA Packaging During the Cell Cycle in Google Classroom

CFU: DNA Packaging During the Cell Cycle


Mitosis Sort Instructions in Google Classroom

Mitosis Sort Instructions

Please upload a picture of the card when you have them correctly sorted


Chromosomes condense by supercoiling during mitosis notes in Google Classroom

Chromosomes condense by supercoiling during mitosis notes

Please include a picture of your notes that includes your school ID


Interphase is a very active phase of the cell cycle with many processes occurring in the nucleus and cytoplasm notes in Google Classroom

Interphase is a very active phase of the cell cycle with many processes occurring in the nucleus and cytoplasm notes

Please include a picture of your completed notes that includes your Amundsen ID in it.


CFU: Cell Cycle in Google Classroom

CFU: Cell Cycle


Cell Division I from Visionlearning in Google Classroom

Cell Division I from Visionlearning

1. Read the article, answering the Comprehension Checkpoint question as you go. 
2. Click on the Quiz link and complete the questions
3.  Take a screenshot of your final score and attach it here.


Unit 5: Cell Differentiation Quiz in Google Classroom

Unit 5: Cell Differentiation Quiz


Natural Cloning notes in Google Classroom

Natural Cloning notes


CFU: Cloning in Google Classroom

CFU: Cloning


Stem Cell Discussion Submission Form and Rubric in Google Classroom

Stem Cell Discussion Submission Form and Rubric


CFU: Stem Cell Ethics in Google Classroom

CFU: Stem Cell Ethics


Ethical Implications of Research Involving Stem Cells is Growing in Importance and Raises Ethical Issues notes in Google Classroom

Ethical Implications of Research Involving Stem Cells is Growing in Importance and Raises Ethical Issues notes

Include a picture of the notes that includes your school ID.


Ethics of the Therapeutic Use of Stem Cells in Google Classroom

Ethics of the Therapeutic Use of Stem Cells

Please include a picture of your notes with your school ID included to ensure you are submitting your own notes


A&B: The Primitive Streak in Google Classroom

A&B: The Primitive Streak

A completely optional, extra-credit assignment.  Remember that grades are never rounded by Mr. Johnson


Onion Propagation Conclusion in Google Classroom

Onion Propagation Conclusion


Onion Analysis Part 3 - Graphing in Google Classroom

Onion Analysis Part 3 - Graphing

Please make sure that you have answered all of the questions.  Think about the graph that you added standard deviation bars to yesterday when making a graph today.


Onion Analysis Part 2 Spread in Google Classroom

Onion Analysis Part 2 Spread


A&B Pumpkin Carving Contest in Google Classroom

A&B Pumpkin Carving Contest

This a completely optional, extra credit assignment that hopefully is also fun.  The overall winner from all participating classes could walk away with 125 A&B points and possibly some other "stuff" as well.  We will be judging during class on Halloween so make sure you understand that the pumpkins must be brought in Halloween morning and taken home that SAME day to receive the A&B points.


Onionn Anaysis Part 1: Central Tendency in Google Classroom

Onionn Anaysis Part 1: Central Tendency


Stem Cell Therapies in Google Classroom

Stem Cell Therapies


CFU: Stem Cells in Google Classroom

CFU: Stem Cells


Stem Cell Notes in Google Classroom

Stem Cell Notes


Propagating Green Onions Lab in Google Classroom

Propagating Green Onions Lab


CFU: Cell Differentiation in Google Classroom

CFU: Cell Differentiation


Specialized tissues can develop by cell differentiation in multicellular organisms notes in Google Classroom

Specialized tissues can develop by cell differentiation in multicellular organisms notes

A picture of your notes that includes your school ID


Differentiation involves the expressions of some genes and not others in a cell’s genome. in Google Classroom

Differentiation involves the expressions of some genes and not others in a cell’s genome.

Picture of your notes with a school ID


CFU: Cell Differentiation in Google Classroom

CFU: Cell Differentiation


Semester 1 Midterm Exam in Google Classroom

Semester 1 Midterm Exam

The exam will be curved between classes but retakes are not available for Exams in this class


Eukaryote Cell Structure Notes in Google Classroom

Eukaryote Cell Structure Notes

Extra credit assignments
Take a picture with your ID


A&B: Eukaryote Cell Structure notes in Google Classroom

A&B: Eukaryote Cell Structure notes

Extra credit assignment (rewriting notes is an excellent way to study)
Take notes in the packet and upload a picture with your ID.


Micrograph Analysis Lab in Google Classroom

Micrograph Analysis Lab

Use the EM Identifications slides to help in your identification of the structures


Drawing and Annotation Based on Electron Micrographs in Google Classroom

Drawing and Annotation Based on Electron Micrographs

Slides 9-15 only


Cell Types and Cell Structures Views in Light and Electron Micrographs in Google Classroom

Cell Types and Cell Structures Views in Light and Electron Micrographs

Slides 4-23 only


Drawing and Annotation Based on Electron Micrographs in Google Classroom

Drawing and Annotation Based on Electron Micrographs

Slides 9-15 only


A&B: Classifying Bacteria (This Podcast Will Kill You!) in Google Classroom

A&B: Classifying Bacteria (This Podcast Will Kill You!)


Differences in Eukaryotic Cell Structure between Animals, Fungi and Plants notes in Google Classroom

Differences in Eukaryotic Cell Structure between Animals, Fungi and Plants notes

Picture with ID


CFU: Animal Cell Structures in Google Classroom

CFU: Animal Cell Structures


CFU: Plant Cell Structures in Google Classroom

CFU: Plant Cell Structures


Unit 2: Introduction to Cells and Microcopy Quiz retakes in Google Classroom

Unit 2: Introduction to Cells and Microcopy Quiz retakes

Remember to use Quiz Makeup/Retake Form on Google Classroom as well as the AHS tutoring Form to schedule a quiz


A Journey through the Visual Cell in Google Classroom

A Journey through the Visual Cell


Eukaryote Cell Structure in Google Classroom

Eukaryote Cell Structure

Slides for the Flip Book


A&B: How we Study Microbes in your Gut in Google Classroom

A&B: How we Study Microbes in your Gut


Organelles as Discrete Subunits of Cells that are Adapted to Perform Specific Functions Notes in Google Classroom

Organelles as Discrete Subunits of Cells that are Adapted to Perform Specific Functions Notes

Picture with ID


Advantages of Compartmentalization in the Cytoplasm of Cells in Google Classroom

Advantages of Compartmentalization in the Cytoplasm of Cells

Picture with ID


Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes in Google Classroom

Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes

Picture with your ID


CFU: Prokaryotes vs. Eukaryotes in Google Classroom

CFU: Prokaryotes vs. Eukaryotes


Unit 3: The Earliest Cells Quiz in Google Classroom

Unit 3: The Earliest Cells Quiz


Unit 3: Quizzizz Intro to Cells and Microscopy in Google Classroom

Unit 3: Quizzizz Intro to Cells and Microscopy


Drawing and Annotation Based on Electron Micrographs in Google Classroom

Drawing and Annotation Based on Electron Micrographs

Slides 1-9 only.  Picture of your notes with school ID


Cell Types and Cell Structures Views in Light and Electron Micrographs Notes in Google Classroom

Cell Types and Cell Structures Views in Light and Electron Micrographs Notes

Slides 1-3 only.  Picture of the notes with school ID.


Viewing the Size Difference Lab in Google Classroom

Viewing the Size Difference Lab


CFU: Prokaryote Structure in Google Classroom

CFU: Prokaryote Structure


Prokaryote Cell Structure in Google Classroom

Prokaryote Cell Structure


Unit 2: Introduction to Cells and Microscopy Quiz in Google Classroom

Unit 2: Introduction to Cells and Microscopy Quiz


A&B: Art and Microscopy in Google Classroom

A&B: Art and Microscopy

A completely optional, extra-credit assignment.  All A&B articles are due before school on the morning of this unit's quiz so the due date posted may change.


CFU: Microscopy Basics in Google Classroom

CFU: Microscopy Basics


Brush with Nature in Google Classroom

Brush with Nature


Microscopy Skills Notes in Google Classroom

Microscopy Skills Notes


Developments in Microscopy in Google Classroom

Developments in Microscopy

Make sure to include a picture of your notes that includes your school ID


The Big and the Small in Google Classroom

The Big and the Small


Structures Common to Cells in all Living Organisms in Google Classroom

Structures Common to Cells in all Living Organisms

Please include a picture of your school ID in the notes


CFU: Cells as the Basic Unit of Self-Sustaining Life in Google Classroom

CFU: Cells as the Basic Unit of Self-Sustaining Life


Cells are the Smallest Units of Self-Sustaining Life notes in Google Classroom

Cells are the Smallest Units of Self-Sustaining Life notes

Please post a picture of your notes that includes your school ID clearly displayed


Cells as the Basic Structural Unit of all Living Organisms in Google Classroom

Cells as the Basic Structural Unit of all Living Organisms

Please upload a picture of your notes that includes your school ID clearly displayed.


Unit 1 Kahoot! in Google Classroom

Unit 1 Kahoot!


A&B: Stentor Functions of Life in Google Classroom

A&B: Stentor Functions of Life

Completely optional, extra-credit assignment.  Mr. Johnson does not round grades at the end of the semester.


A&B: The Dark Matter of Life on Earth in Google Classroom

A&B: The Dark Matter of Life on Earth

Completely optional, extra-credit assignment.


Quantifying Variation Analysis in Google Classroom

Quantifying Variation Analysis


Descriptive Statistics: Central Tendency and skew in Google Classroom

Descriptive Statistics: Central Tendency and skew

Use this document to help you complete the notes in the packet.


Descriptive Statistics: Measures of spread in Google Classroom

Descriptive Statistics: Measures of spread

Use this Google Doc to complete more of your notes.


D3.2.1 Box and Whisker Plots in Google Classroom

D3.2.1 Box and Whisker Plots


Quantifying Variation Lab data collection in Google Classroom

Quantifying Variation Lab data collection


A3.1.1 Variation between organisms as a defining feature of life notes in Google Classroom

A3.1.1 Variation between organisms as a defining feature of life notes


Species notes in Google Classroom

Species notes


CFU: Binomial Nomenclature in Google Classroom

CFU: Binomial Nomenclature


A&B: Twenty tips for interpreting scientific claims in Google Classroom

A&B: Twenty tips for interpreting scientific claims

This is an Above & Beyond assignment which means it is completely optional and extra credit.  All A&B articles like this are always due before the day of that unit quiz whenever that is.  Don't worry if you sin't so this one as there other A&B opportunities outlined in the syllabus.


CFU: Processes of Life in Google Classroom

CFU: Processes of Life


Processes of Life Notes in Google Classroom

Processes of Life Notes


CFU: Levels of Biological Organization in Google Classroom

CFU: Levels of Biological Organization


Levels of Biological Organization notes in Google Classroom

Levels of Biological Organization notes


Levels of Biology Wall Art in Google Classroom

Levels of Biology Wall Art


Levels of Biological Organization notes in Google Classroom

Levels of Biological Organization notes


Themes of biology notes in Google Classroom

Themes of biology notes


Topic Theme Posters in Google Classroom

Topic Theme Posters


Student Introduction Form in Google Classroom

Student Introduction Form