Spanish I 3rd Period Assignments

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Spanish Skills Sheet- Replacement Assignment in Google Classroom

Spanish Skills Sheet- Replacement Assignment

Write a 1 page study guide (front and back possibly) that summarizes how to use the skills we have learned so far this year and will serve as a reference sheet for you as you go into Spanish 2. Be neat so it is easy to read and reference during class. This should be your work, It may be physical or digital in English and Spanish.
It may include, but is not limited to: definitions, examples, verb charts, lists, etc.
This will be counted as a replacement grade for your lowest formative assignment.
See the document for all the topics/ skills we have covered in class.


Lección de Gramática in Google Classroom

Lección de Gramática

Choose a Grammar concept from this year (we will do this in class) 
Review your concept and create a plan/draft of your lesson (turn in for feedback by 5/16)
Revise and finish your lesson including any handouts you need printed (by 5/20)
Teach your concept and lead the practice in front of small groups (5/ 22-23)

Goal: "at the end students will be able to..."
10 minute max time, groups of 2-4
Necessary materials
A lesson to reteach the concept with elements of student interaction/practice
A deliverable- some activity where students prove they have mastered the knowledge (quiz, activity, etc.)
Concepts to choose from:
You may include vocabulary for support: Vocabulary related to: daily information (greetings, date, time, basic weather) descriptions of people, school, family, and pastimes, Numbers 1-100

Definite and Indefinite articles
Gender and Number agreement
Descriptive and possessive adjectives
Subject pronouns
Forming questions
Irregular verbs: SER/ESTAR/TENER/VENIR/IR (ir+a+ infinitive)
Present tense of AR/ER/IR verbs
Stem-changing verbs: e:ie, e:i, o:ue
Verbs with irregular YO forms


Un meme en español in Google Classroom

Un meme en español

Individually or with a partner, create a meme in Spanish using one of the verbs from the irregular verb song. It must be in Spanish and appropriate. Use at least one form of the verbs learned and other vocabulary, you may use wordreference for a maximum of 3 new words. 

When you're done, add your meme to the slide deck on a new slide and make sure your name is included, do not touch or edit slides that already have content. 

Done? Explore the other memes!


Cuento 12: El Concurso in Google Classroom

Cuento 12: El Concurso

A) Make the story together as a class, then read the story of “El gran concurso” to yourself and make sure the blanks are filled in

B) Arrange a few pictures to represent the main events, then answer the questions about the story on the slides.

C) Re -tell the story to a partner in Spanish.

D) Challenge, rewrite a part of the story (new characters and hobbies, new verbs, new ending, new problem, etc).


ATL Self Reflection 21/4/2023 in Google Classroom

ATL Self Reflection 21/4/2023

Fill this form out reflecting honestly on your communication and self-management skills during Spanish class for the past 2 weeks.


Make 3 compare/contrast observations in Spanish. Then respond to one of your peers using phrases of the week (except "que interesante"). in Google Classroom

Make 3 compare/contrast observations in Spanish. Then respond to one of your peers using phrases of the week (except "que interesante").


Edpuzzle - Los pasatiempos in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle - Los pasatiempos


Pasatiempos y Gustar Practice- Paper + Recording in Google Classroom

Pasatiempos y Gustar Practice- Paper + Recording

Sub in class assignmnet for 3/24- on paper/ recording
Intrucciones: use the word bank to help you label each picture on the first page. On the second page, read the two examples of the people introducing themselves and their likes, then fill in the box about yourself in Spanish. Then practice out loud!

Attach a recording of yourself saying your  introduction/passtimes in Spanish.


Quarter 3 Reflection in Google Classroom

Quarter 3 Reflection

Use this to reflect upon your personal practice as a student and what we do in class so that we can be grounded as we move forward into the end of the year. Please answer as honestly as you can. I am using the answers to inform my future teaching and best support you. ¡Gracias! Sra. De Leon


Felip Alou- chapter 8- Read and Reflect in Google Classroom

Felip Alou- chapter 8- Read and Reflect

In class reading 13/3
- Skim chapter 8 look for words that happen a lot, cognates, and look at the images. Make a prediction about what you’ll read
- Read chapter 8 and break down what you’re reading as you do so. There is an audio recording if you want to listen as you read.
- Write 1 takeaway from chapter 8 in this post- English or Spanglish.

Useful vocabulary:
equipo- team
vivir- to live/ vivia- he used to live
todavia- still
pelotero- ball player
espacio- space
abajo- below
tenian que- they had to
carro- car
entrar/salir- enter/leave
bajense- get out
esperar- to wait


U3 BINGO Review Worksheet in Google Classroom

U3 BINGO Review Worksheet

Choose any 3 activities to get “bingo” and complete them to review and write/ take pictures of your evidence and add them to the assignment to turn in. If you do any on paper- take pictures and attach it.


Annotation Wall- Felipe Alou cap.1-7 - Padlet in Google Classroom

Annotation Wall- Felipe Alou cap.1-7 - Padlet

Write on the annotation wall with excerpts from cap.1-7
Write quotes with page numbers and/or personal connections in Spanglish
Write at least 3 observations/connections


Proyecto - Mi Familia in Google Classroom

Proyecto - Mi Familia

This will be done to help prepare you and practice for the speaking test at the end of unit 3. 
See project description for details: This project must be completely visual with only written words for names if desired.


Verb Review in Google Classroom

Verb Review

Our verb quiz in on 24/2, use this to help you practice
!Instrucciones: Choose at least 1 practice from station 1&2, after each one, look at at your errors and make sure you understand what is wrong. Take a screenshot of your practice as evidence. For station 3, write on paper or make a copy of the document to edit and add your completed chart as evidence. When you have done the 3 stations, turn in your 3 evidence on Google Classroom and work on your family tree project.


Familias del Mundo Hispanohablante in Google Classroom

Familias del Mundo Hispanohablante

Check out the videos and use your vocabulary to comment on what you see/think/wonder about at least two of them. You can also make personal connections. Make sure to add your name if you're not signed in. Write in Spanglish.
After you've made you comments, keep exploring, read others' comments, or go fin new sources about families around the world.


Record- Un Domingo en Familia in Google Classroom

Record- Un Domingo en Familia

After reading and reviewing the text, record yourself (solo or with a partner) reading the lines from the text "Un domingo en familia"
In class assignment 8/2/23
If you are recording with a partner and they turn it in, make sure to put a comment with their name.
No recording device on your phone? Use


Vocabulary Study Activities in Google Classroom

Vocabulary Study Activities

Use the Quizlet flashcards to student for the vocabulary quiz. Complete at least 3 of the individual activities. If you prefer paper activities, feel free to make flashcards or make a memory activity in your notebook instead.


ER/IR Verb "quiz" in Google Classroom

ER/IR Verb "quiz"

Take this practice "quiz" as a comprehention check for conjugating regular verbs. See also the attached quizlet for practice


Edpuzzle - Fotonovela 3- Un Domingo en Familia in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle - Fotonovela 3- Un Domingo en Familia


ATL Self Reflection 20/1/2023 in Google Classroom

ATL Self Reflection 20/1/2023

Fill this form out reflecting honestly on your communication and self-management skills during Spanish class for the first two weeks back at school in semester 2.


Mi Escuela Ideal Gallery Walk in Google Classroom

Mi Escuela Ideal Gallery Walk

Fill out the form about 3 other projects to expand your ideas and appreciate the work that others did. Your grade for your project will be posted on here.


Cuento 5- Reorder + Match in Google Classroom

Cuento 5- Reorder + Match

Instrucciones: Put the slides in order of the story so it makes sense in sequence, then put the images that match each slide underneath them. Finally, fill out the last slide with your answers in Spanish.


BINGO- Practice Replacement Assignment in Google Classroom

BINGO- Practice Replacement Assignment

Instrucciones: Choose 3 activities to get “bingo” and complete them to review and write/ take pictures of your evidence and add them to the assignment to turn in. If you do any on paper- take pictures and attach it.
This will serve to replace your lowest formative assignment from quarter 2.


ATL Spanish Log Reflections in Google Classroom

ATL Spanish Log Reflections

Do a final reflection on your log and turn it in physically, or a picture of it here. You should have reflections for your practice in class and at home from 24/10-18/11.

As you reflect, consider:
How will you continue to make practicing Spanish a habit? Who will hold you accountable?
How did you do based on your and the teacher’s expectations?


Sub Day Practice Activities in Google Classroom

Sub Day Practice Activities

We have a listening and reading quiz coming up. Complete the following to prepare for Thursday's open note quiz.

1. Students should finish their School Schedule Skit if they haven’t yet (they may need to record).
2. Students study for the quiz Thursday- Linked Quizlets (cuentos, time, class supplies) Try practice activities on all 3 and try at least 1 test, submit a screenshot of your Quizlet test.
3. Students update their notes, a list of what we have taken notes on is below
4. Done? They may use the rest of class as a study hall.

Notes we should have in our notebooks:
flip book
alphabet sounds
Telling time
Story vocabulary 1-4
gender, number, and plurals
definite and indefinite articles
Subject pronouns
Question words
Class information
Mania musical- (your description/opinion of songs)
AR verbs
Ser vs. Estar
Personal dictionary


School Schedule Skit in Google Classroom

School Schedule Skit

1. Practice the provided script.
2. In grupos- 2-3 personas, write your own skit about class schedules and supplies- Include at least: 
3 classes
2 times
4 classroom supplies
3 question words
3. Practice and record your script and turn the audio in to Google Classroom. (if yours is being turned in by your partner, write that in a private comment with their name).


Story (Cuento 4) Formative Listening in Google Classroom

Story (Cuento 4) Formative Listening

Answer the questions (in English or Spanish):
1. Who is the main character and what are they like?
2. What is the problem?
3. What is the first attempt to solve it and how does it work?
4. What is the resolution?

(audio will be added later if you missed class)
Focus vocab:
Se cae- s/he falls
Se muere- s/he dies
Vive- s/he lives
Le pega (a)- s/he hits him/her


ATL Self Reflection 4/11/2022 in Google Classroom

ATL Self Reflection 4/11/2022

Fill this form out reflecting honestly on your communication and self-management skills during Spanish class for the past 2 weeks.

If you were gone all week with an excused absence, please answer the questions based on practice at home and then tell your absence in the final answer.


Dia de Muertos Padlet + Altar in Google Classroom

Dia de Muertos Padlet + Altar

Add an image or video that represents a part of Day of the Dead and include 1 sentence in Spaniglish describing it*. Then read and like at least 3 other posts.

*make sure you're signed in or that you include your name.

We also made an altar, link to the tutorial attached


Quarter 1 Reflection in Google Classroom

Quarter 1 Reflection

Use this to reflect upon your personal practice as a student and what we do in class so that we can be grounded as we move forward into quarter 2. Please answer as honestly as you can. I am using the answers to inform my future teaching and best support you. You may write in English. ¡Gracias! Sra. De Leon


Assessment Unit 1- Conversation in Google Classroom

Assessment Unit 1- Conversation

Attach your recording from the assessmnet conversation in class here!


Practice Conversation- 11/10 in Google Classroom

Practice Conversation- 11/10

Attach your recording from the practice conversation in class here!
Potential questions:
¿Cómo te llamas?
¿Cómo estás?
¿De dónde eres?
¿Qué te gusta?
¿Cómo eres? (tu personalidad/ tu identidad)
¿Cuántos años tienes?


Gallery Walk Reflections- Spanish-Speaking Countries in Google Classroom

Gallery Walk Reflections- Spanish-Speaking Countries

Open the slides and look through the information curated by your peers. Then reflect in Spanglish using the sentence starters:
Learn- Aprendo que…
Think- Pienso que…
Wonder- Me pregunto…
EJ: Aprendo que Argentina tiene el dance tango. Pienso que es muy bonito. Me pregunto por que they look like cowboys.


Spanish Speaking Countries in Google Classroom

Spanish Speaking Countries

Fill in the first 2 slides with the countries names and their capitals in Spanish (we will do this in class together). Then choose any Spanish-speaking country you want to learn more about, do some research, and make a simple and engaging informational slied using any Spanish you know and some English for new things.

Focus on slide 3!


Introducciones y saludos- Pronunciation in Google Classroom

Introducciones y saludos- Pronunciation

Go through the 4 steps on the worksheet in class (12/9) to better understand the dialogue and to get practice with language and pronunciation. Finally, record the dialoge you wrote with your partner*/**.

*only one person has to turn in your recording (if you are not the one turning it in, just comment who turned yours in and press "turn in")
**make sure you both say your names in the recording!!!

Record using your voice app, video, or


Cuento (story) Recording in Google Classroom

Cuento (story) Recording

Record yourself in Spanish retelling the story from Thursday, then attach it to the assignment. (we will have time to do this in class)

Below is our key vocabulary (bold) and some other helpful storytelling vocabulary. You can also watch the video of me telling the story.
Le dice- s/he says to him/her
Tiene- s/he has
Necesita- s/he needs
Le gusta- s/he likes
Hay- there is/are
Es- s/he is
Porque- because
Por eso- therefore
Y- and
Una persona- a person
Un problema- a problem
Va a- s/he goes to


ATL Self Reflection 2/9/2022 in Google Classroom

ATL Self Reflection 2/9/2022

Fill this form out reflecting honestly on your communication and self-management skills during Spanish class this week.

If you were gone all week with an excused absence, please answer the questions based on practice at home and then tell your absence in the final answer.


Class Survey and Syllabus in Google Classroom

Class Survey and Syllabus

Please complete this survey with information about yourself, preferences, and contact info for your caregiver.