2nd IB MYP General Music-Spain 001 Assignments

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MixedClef Practice in Google Classroom

MixedClef Practice


Practice both clef


Bass Clef Practice Journal in Google Classroom

Bass Clef Practice Journal

1.   Clik on the link attached.
  2.   Take a pre-test.  (2 minutes)
  3.   Reset your score (three dots in the upper right hand corner)
  4.   Take a screen shot of your score.
  5.   Your Journal goal is "I want to practice and improve my note recognition score( # of right and the percentage)
  6.   Practice the note identification for about 10 minutes.
      a. remember the Bass Clef lines are Go Back Down Foster Avenue.
      b.  Remember the spaces are All Cows Eat Grass
      c.  Remember the pitches above the Bass clef staff is B and Middle C
      d.  Remember the pitches below the staff are F and E.
  7.    Reset your score (three dots in the upper right hand corner)
  8.    Take the test one last time.
  9.    When you are done, take another screen shot of your score after you practiced
 10.   Upload the two screen shots and a picture of your journal entry.


Dona Nobis Pacem Critique in Google Classroom

Dona Nobis Pacem Critique

Video Record yourself performing the verse assigned during class.
Upload the video to this assignment.
Watch the video and critique the performance. 
Give yourself a grade using the 5-4-3-2-1 scoring rubric.
Use timings from the video to support your critique's statements.


Write Your Artist BIO in Google Classroom

Write Your Artist BIO

Write your personal Artist Bio
Research some Musician you like. Look at the type of information they include in their Bio.
I've included some links to websites that describe "How to write a Bio"
Write your personal "Artist Bio"
Items to think about Including:
1. Name
2. Age
3. Schools (Elementary, Middle, High)
4. City
5. Instrument/Voice
6. Influences
7. History (When did you start/how?)
8. How did you get involved in music?
9. What do you want to do, later in life?
8. Add a Head Shot (Photograph)


Live Group Performance-1 in Google Classroom

Live Group Performance-1

Create a performance group (4 Max)
Pick a school appropriate song to perform.
Perform one verse and a chorus
Critique the video.
Submit critique


Journaling Entry from Week 10 in Google Classroom

Journaling Entry from Week 10

Last week, you started to practice for your 1st live group performance.
1. Submit one of your home practice recordings from Wednesday 10/3 or Thursday 10/4. 
2. Submit a picture of your journal entry for that night's recording.


What was your big take-away from Ms. Pavichevich's 1st period Assembly in Google Classroom

What was your big take-away from Ms. Pavichevich's 1st period Assembly

Answer the question as truthfully and honest as you want to be....


Warm Up Journaling Thursday 10/28 in Google Classroom

Warm Up Journaling Thursday 10/28

Go to flat.io and your class assignments.

1. Practice The warmup every day at Home. (M1-M45)
2. Record Yourself performing it.
3. Journal your evaluation of the recording.
4. Upload the recording and your written journal from 10/28


Name a song that is appropriate for school that you would like to sing in group performances?
Title and Performer in Google Classroom

Name a song that is appropriate for school that you would like to sing in group performances? Title and Performer


Warm Up Journaling in Google Classroom

Warm Up Journaling

Go to flat.io and your class assignments.

1. Practice the warmup exercise every day at Home. (M1-M45)
2. Record yourself performing it.
3. Journal your evaluation of the recording.5
Goal for the day.
5,4,3,2,1 assessment with rationale
Plan for improvement/next practice
4. Upload the video and a picture of your journal entry when requested to do so.


Amundsen Loyalty March in Google Classroom

Amundsen Loyalty March

1.  Practice Amundsen Loyalty .with the flat program.

2.   Record yourself performing the Amundsen Loyalty March


9/11 Interview in Google Classroom

9/11 Interview

Ask your guardian(s) about what their experience was on9/11/01.

1.  Ask two questions:
"Can you tell me about your experience with 9/11?"  (Let them talk.  Just listen.  Pay attention to their mannerism and speech inflections. 
"What music/song do you remember most" Why?"
2.  Write a brief summary of what you learned.

3.  Attach the YouTube link from your guardian's song choice to this assignment.


What is your learning style? in Google Classroom

What is your learning style?

1.  Go to the link below and answer the questions.
2.  Take a screen show of your learning styles when you finish.
3. Upload the screen shot to this assignment.


Initial Voice Evaluation in Google Classroom

Initial Voice Evaluation

You are going to record yourself performing to a song that is personal to you.   
The song you choose needs to have a karaoke/instrumental version.  
You will need two devices:  One to play the instrumental background and one to record.   

1.  Choose a song that is personal to you.
2.  Find an instrumental version of the song. 
3.  At the beginning of the recording, introduce yourself.  
     "Hello.  My name is ______________.  Today, I am going to sing "________________" by  __________________..
3.  Play the background music while you sing one verse and one chorus.
4.  When you finish, say "Thank You"
5.  Attach the video to the assignment.


Spain's Music Interest Survey in Google Classroom

Spain's Music Interest Survey


Selfie in Google Classroom


Take a selfie in class today with me in the background.
Attach it to this assignment.