(5th) English I-Rymut 005 Assignments

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IANYPMD Make-up Assessment  in Google Classroom

IANYPMD Make-up Assessment

Please come to tutoring Room 222 tonight at 3:10 to complete this make-up assessment


IANYPMD Ch.3 Extra Credit in Google Classroom

IANYPMD Ch.3 Extra Credit

Complete this google slide assignment related to Chapter 3 and the Art Institute of Chicago for extra credit. This is a unique opportunity to raise or supplement your grade before Q2 Midterms! This is due by December 1st.


10.12 - Plagiarism Agreement in Google Classroom

10.12 - Plagiarism Agreement

Sign the Official Plagiarism Agreement using the google form. This is mandatory and worth 5 ATL Points.


CEA Summative: Finding Tone and Theme in Lyrics in Google Classroom

CEA Summative: Finding Tone and Theme in Lyrics

If you are absent or remote today on Monday 9/27, please complete this CEA summative. You may print the document and hand it in person or complete it digitally on google classroom.


Q1 Midterm Grade Check and Reflection  in Google Classroom

Q1 Midterm Grade Check and Reflection

Complete the Q1 Midterm Grade Check and Reflection form by 11:5pm on Tuesday 9/28,


Danger of a Single Story Reflection Questions in Google Classroom

Danger of a Single Story Reflection Questions

If you were absent or late today, watch the Ted Talk video. Then write your answers to the four reflections questions in your notebook. 

Reflection Questions:
1. What is 1 thing that stuck with you from the Ted Talk: The Danger of a Single Story?
2. What is dangerous about a single story?
3. What is a stereotype or “single story” you have had to deal with?
4. What would you tell people that believe in this stereotype?


English I Questionnaire  in Google Classroom

English I Questionnaire

Complete the English I Questionnaire by 11:59pm on Friday 9/3