Honors E4 7th Period-Lekan 001 Assignments

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Extra Credit Reflection: Native Son (2019)  in Google Classroom

Extra Credit Reflection: Native Son (2019)

What are your overall impressions about the film, Native Son, in comparison to the novel you just read? How do you feel about the film? Do you want to continue watching?

Explain in a 1-2 paragraph reflection.


Native Son: Final Essay  in Google Classroom

Native Son: Final Essay

Please upload your final draft by 3 PM today!


Naive Son: Flim and Novel Analysis 
Extra Credit: Quarter 2  in Google Classroom

Naive Son: Flim and Novel Analysis Extra Credit: Quarter 2

1. Choose between ONE of the two flim versions of Native Son to view and analyize in comparison with the novel.

The Oprah Winferey produced version was released in 1986 and the full film is available for free via You Tube. This version takes place in 1930's Chicago and is linked below.

The most recent film adaptation of the novel was released in 2019 and is set in modern-day Chicago. This film is available through Hulu and Amazon Prime. There is no "freebie" version available legally online.

2. Write an essay ( minimum 3 pages long, 12 point font, double spaced) analyzing the film in comparison to the novel. Within your essay, answer the following questions:

* In both versions, there are significant differences within the film version. What were those differences? Use evidence from the novel to support your
* Infer as to WHY the director/producers chose to make those changes in comparison with the text. Do these changes effect the character of Bigger
Thomas? Use evdience from the film to support your ideas.
* What impact do these changes have on the audience as a whole? What impact did they have on you?


Native Son: Draft 2 
* optional teacher review for extra points on the final draft  in Google Classroom

Native Son: Draft 2 * optional teacher review for extra points on the final draft

Please share your completed 2nd draft of your final essay for additional points on your final. ( total 10 extra summative points added after assessment)

This is an OPTIONAL assignment.


Which essay prompt do you plan on choosing for your final?  in Google Classroom

Which essay prompt do you plan on choosing for your final?

Please review the attached prompt choices for your final essay on Native Son.


Edpuzzle - Literary Analysis Essay in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle - Literary Analysis Essay


Edpuzzle - Argumentative Essay in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle - Argumentative Essay


Work Day 6: Exit Slip  in Google Classroom

Work Day 6: Exit Slip


Native Son, FLIGHT: Part 2 QUIZ in Google Classroom

Native Son, FLIGHT: Part 2 QUIZ

Part 2: Open Book QUIZ


Native Son: Jan  in Google Classroom

Native Son: Jan


Native Son, Book 2 Padlet: Britten  in Google Classroom

Native Son, Book 2 Padlet: Britten


Native Son, Book 2 Padlet: Britten  in Google Classroom

Native Son, Book 2 Padlet: Britten


Exit Slip: TCB Work Day in Google Classroom

Exit Slip: TCB Work Day

Please complete the exit slip by the end of the class period.


Friday Discussion Questions: Native Son, Book 2 up through pg 141 (novel) OR 128 (PDF) in Google Classroom

Friday Discussion Questions: Native Son, Book 2 up through pg 141 (novel) OR 128 (PDF)

Please answer the attached questions and be prepared to share via discussion on Friday.


Winter Break: Native Son Reading Assignment  in Google Classroom

Winter Break: Native Son Reading Assignment

Please answer the following questions on the Native Son, Book 2 (FLIGHT) reading assignment.

1. What evidence did Bigger bring home with him after he murdered Mary?
2. What task does he have to complete on Sunday for the Dalton's?
3. What image haunts Bigger?
4. As Bigger travels back to the scene of the crime ( The Dalton's), he watches black people on the street. What does he wish for as he observes them?
5. Peggy asks Bigger WHY the car was left outside all night. What was his explaination?
6. Where does Bigger go when he wants to overhear conversations at the Dalton's place?
7. Summarize what Bigger tells Mrs. Dalton when she asks him about the night before.
8. After Bigger is allowed to leave early from work, who does he go to see?
9. What is Bigger's relationship to this person ( question 8)?
10. PREDICT (without spoiling it for yourself) what you think will happen next in the story.


Work Day Exit Slip: 1/7/2021 in Google Classroom

Work Day Exit Slip: 1/7/2021


Edpuzzle - Symbols and symbolism explained in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle - Symbols and symbolism explained


Philosophical Chairs: Native Son Book 1 
Small Group Rubric  in Google Classroom

Philosophical Chairs: Native Son Book 1 Small Group Rubric

Review the attached rubric in preparation for our Philsophical Chairs discussion.


Philosophical Chairs: Native Son Book 1, FEAR in Google Classroom

Philosophical Chairs: Native Son Book 1, FEAR

Please review and answer the attached questions prior to our philosophical chair discussion.
Discuss the questions with your group and make decisions about who is in the pilot seat for each question.
Discuss HOW your group will prepare and answer questions USING TEXT ( How Bigger was Born, Native Son (Fear), and background info).

Turn in your notes by the end of the school day on Friday!


TCB Day: Exit Slip in Google Classroom

TCB Day: Exit Slip


What three words (and definitions) are you choosing from Book 1 (Fear) for our Quizlet competition?  in Google Classroom

What three words (and definitions) are you choosing from Book 1 (Fear) for our Quizlet competition?

Provide the word, page number found, and definition of three words of your choice from Native Son. Please make sure they are unknown and/or more difficult words as this is for our quiz challange next week.


Characterization: The Daltons Padlet  in Google Classroom

Characterization: The Daltons Padlet

Please post your characterization three collum notes on the following:

Padlet #1: The Daltons
3 on Mr. Dalton
2 on Mrs. Dalton

Padlet #2: Mary
3 on Mary Dalton

There are two examples of the format posted by me. The texual evidence is NOT from Native Son. I did this to model format ONLY.


TCB Day: Exit Slip  in Google Classroom

TCB Day: Exit Slip

Please complete the exit slip at the end of the class period today!


Bellringer: Tuesday, December 8th  in Google Classroom

Bellringer: Tuesday, December 8th

1. Summarize what happened when Bigger and Jack went to the movies to kill time before the robbery.
2. What did Bigger learn about and how/why did he change his mind?


Native Son Notes: Bigger Thomas and How Bigger was Born  in Google Classroom

Native Son Notes: Bigger Thomas and How Bigger was Born

Please upload either a photo of your handwritten, three collum notes OR a Google Doc.

Five Note Entries: Catagory ( which Bigger from How Bigger was Born)
Textual Evidence
Analysis with reference to How Bigger was Born

Remember, you can include the entry we did as an exemplar in class.


Exit Slip: Thursday Work Day  in Google Classroom

Exit Slip: Thursday Work Day

Please complete the attached exit slip at the end of the work day. Choose to answer based on the work you focused on in class.


Did you read the slide and complete the Exit Slip for today's work day?  in Google Classroom

Did you read the slide and complete the Exit Slip for today's work day?


Native Son: Jigsaw Background Infromation Quiz  in Google Classroom

Native Son: Jigsaw Background Infromation Quiz

You have 40 minutes to complete the attached quiz on the background reading and student posts.

Please use any notes for the quiz as needed.


How Bigger Was Born, Richard Wright  in Google Classroom

How Bigger Was Born, Richard Wright

In the text, How Bigger Was Born, Richard Wright shares his inspiration for creating the central character of Bigger Thomas in his novel, Native Son. He describes five people he had known throughout the course of his life that were primary influences.

C: Which ONE person do YOU believe is the most influential to Wright as presented within his description?

E: Provide at least three pieces of evidence that supports your claim.

A: Provide sufficient reasoning of your evidence choices and always tie your analysis back to your claim.

* Remember, you can choose to follow the C-E-A-E-A-E-A-C format if you choose.


Did your article group post information and an additional resource on our Google Classroom announcement thread?  in Google Classroom

Did your article group post information and an additional resource on our Google Classroom announcement thread?


Chicago Photos: Creative Writing Assignment  in Google Classroom

Chicago Photos: Creative Writing Assignment

1. Choose a photo from our Chicago Photos 19302-1940s small group share out.
2. Free write on the photo prior to crafting your creative work.
3. Write a poem and/or one page scene description. If you are able to write a short story in one page, go for it! Remember, you are using the image as inspiration.

Pleae upload your chosen photo on the slide provided ALONG WITH your writing in a Google Doc.


Summary and Prediction: Richard Wright Biography  in Google Classroom

Summary and Prediction: Richard Wright Biography

Please read and review the short biography on Richard Wright and complete the following:

1. 1-2 paragraph summary on the bio

2. Predict what some of the THEMES and TOPICS that Wright might include within his writing due to his experiences and the time period in which he lived. (1 paragraph)


Socratice Seminar: Prep Notes  in Google Classroom

Socratice Seminar: Prep Notes

Please take a screen shot of your handwritten notes and/or upload a Google Doc.

This will be factored into your overall individual Socratic Seminar grade.



RAT: Desiree's Baby and Meghan Markle
25 PNTS in Google Classroom

RAT: Desiree's Baby and Meghan Markle EXTRA CREDIT: CATAGORY OF MOST NEED 25 PNTS

5. Text to Text (connect to Meghan Markle: I'm More Than An 'Other')
Context: Compare the reactions of characters from “Desiree’s Baby” to the concept of an
interracial child versus how Meghan Markle experienced people asking her about her
mixed-racial identity.
* “My mother, they tell me I am not white. Armand has told me I am not white. For God's sake tell them
it is not true. You must know it is not true. I shall die. I must die. I cannot be so unhappy, and
Live” (Chopin, 3).

* Madame Valmondé bent her portly figure over Désirée and kissed her, holding her an instant tenderly
in her arms. Then she turned to the child. “This is not the baby!” she exclaimed, in startled tones”
(Chopin, 1).

* “But above all,” she wrote, “night and day, I thank the good God for having so arranged our lives that
our dear Armand will never know that his mother, who adores him, belongs to the race that is cursed
with the brand of slavery” (Chopin, 4).

* He thought Almighty God had dealt cruelly and unjustly with him; and felt, somehow, that he was
paying Him back in kind when he stabbed thus into his wife's soul. Moreover he no longer loved her,
because of the unconscious injury she had brought upon his home and his name” (Chopin, 3).

* My teacher told me to check the box for Caucasian. 'Because that's how you look, Meghan,' she said.
I put down my pen. Not as an act of defiance, but rather a symptom of my confusion. I couldn't bring
myself to do that, to picture the pit-in-her-belly sadness my mother would feel if she were to find out”
(Markle, 1).

* 'You said your mom is black and your dad is white, right?' she said. I smiled meekly, waiting for what
could possibly come out of her pursed lips next. 'And they're divorced?' I nodded. 'Oh, well that
makes sense.' To this day, I still don't fully understand what she meant by that, but I understood the
implication” (Markle, 2).


Desiree's Baby: Comprehension Questions  in Google Classroom

Desiree's Baby: Comprehension Questions

1. What is Valmonde?

2. Who are Madame and Monsieur Valmonde (be specific)?

3. What does it mean that Madame Valmonde was “without a child of the flesh”?

4. Why did Armand and his father leave Paris?

5. What is L’Abri?

6. When Madame Valmonde sees Desiree’s baby, Desiree thinks Madame Valmonde is surprised

7. What causes Desiree to notice her baby’s race?

8. Why does Armand start a fire in the backyard?

9. In your own words, what does Armand find out when he reads the letter from his mother to his

10. Where does Desiree go after Armand tells her to leave?


Video Clips: World Connections, Socratic Seminar  in Google Classroom

Video Clips: World Connections, Socratic Seminar

1. Watch the attached videos and take notes.
2. Write a 1-2 paragraph summary on each video.
3. Write a 1-2 paragraph personal reaction to each video.

* You may choose to complete this in Google Docs or in your class notebook. Please upload either your Google Doc or a photo of your handwritten notes to this assignment thread by the end of the class period. :)

If you have any questions, please email!


The Lesson: RAT in Google Classroom

The Lesson: RAT

Please review the attached assignment and be prepared to share your findings in class on Monday.

If you have any questions, please email.


Small Group Assessment: The Lesson  in Google Classroom

Small Group Assessment: The Lesson

Use a Google Doc to write out your refection and then submit to this assignment thread.
Please answer the following questions in complete sentences with details to explain your answer.

1. How would you rate yourself, on a scale of 1 – 10 (one is the least and ten is the best), on how well you were willing to agree with group decisions? What could you do to move yourself up a number on that scale?

2. On a scale of 1 – 10, 10 being best, how well do you feel you demonstrated respect for the opinions of others in the group? Explain.

3. Was the group the right size for the task, or would it have been better larger/smaller?

4. In what ways was the group more effective than an individual working alone would have been? Explain.

5. If you had done this yourself, would the outcome have been better or worse? Explain.


The Lesson: Character and Theme Texual Evidence in Google Classroom

The Lesson: Character and Theme Texual Evidence

The Lesson: Annotations and Small Group Prep

1. Choose three pieces of evidence that BEST describe the character of Miss Moore.
2. Choose three pieces of evidence that BEST describe the character of the narrator.
3. Use your INFERENCING skills and choose three pieces of evidence that BEST illustrate what the LESSON might be in this short story.

Be prepared to share your quotes and explain your reasoning within your small groups TOMORROW!

* You may upload a photo of your handwritten notes and/or upload a Google Doc.


Speculative Fiction Book List: Padlet  in Google Classroom

Speculative Fiction Book List: Padlet

Back by popular demand: Honors English IV Book List #2!

This padlet will contain a book selection from one of the attached speculaive fiction lists.

Choose a book you HAVE NOT read before and post it to our wall with a brief summary and explaination as to why you are interested in checking out this book. Make at least two comments on other book selections.

NO DUPLICATE BOOKS! There are so many to choose from, so please be careful that you don't post a selection that is already on the padlet wall.

Inspiring students ( and adults) to read is one of my goals as a teacher and human. I hope that our lists inspire you to read something new and interesting that benefits your wonderful BRAIN and HEART.



Zimmerland: Theme CEA  in Google Classroom

Zimmerland: Theme CEA

Please upload your final draft to this thread. This should be your second rewrite after peer editing.

You will have a final chance to rewrite next week, if you scored under a 65%.

5 Week Assesment Prompt: In your opinion, what is the “spine” or theme of the short story, Zimmerland? Be sure to include at least three pieces of evidence to support your claim along with appropriate analysis.

Choose the format of your CEA:

Choice 1:

Claim ( connect back to claim in last sentence)


Choice 2:

Analysis ( remember, claim must be represented within the analysis)


5 Week Assessment: Peer Edit Draft  in Google Classroom

5 Week Assessment: Peer Edit Draft

Please share a Google Doc ( [email protected]) with a draft of your CEA for peer editing on Wednesday.

5 Week Assesment Prompt: In your opinion, what is the “spine” or theme of the short story, Zimmerland? Be sure to include at least three pieces of evidence to support your claim along with appropriate analysis.

Choose the format of your CEA:

Choice 1:

Claim ( connect back to claim in last sentence)


Choice 2:

Analysis ( remember, claim must be represented within the analysis)


Zimmerland Theme: FlipGrid  in Google Classroom

Zimmerland Theme: FlipGrid

Please follow the FlipGrid instructions on posting your THEME video.

Remember, this is a brainstorming activity. We will be writing a CEA on Zimmerland's THEME for our 5 Week assessment.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email or ask in class.


Zimmerland: "What if" questions CEA in Google Classroom

Zimmerland: "What if" questions CEA

After reading the full short story, identify three different "what if" questions that the autor may have speculated on prior to writing this story. Write three, CEA responses in a Google Doc and upload them to this assignment thread.

Example Outlined Response: You may use this as your first response.

In the short story, Zimmerland, the author probably wondered how advanced technology would effect the entertainment industry. There are clear indicators of this throughout the story. On page 4, for example, the protagonist _____________________________________________. Due to _____________________ and _________________________________________, it is clear that the author speculated on how this _______________________ influenced the audience. Overall, the effect was powerful and allowed the industry to manipulate the audience's overall understanding of right and wrong.

If you are unsure of this assignment, please feel free to email me with your questions/concerns.

Ms. Lekan


Did you share your Google Keep notes with me for Week 4?  in Google Classroom

Did you share your Google Keep notes with me for Week 4?

Please confirm your notesharing for weekly ATL here. :)

Ms. Lekan


Small Group Quesitons: Zimmerland  in Google Classroom

Small Group Quesitons: Zimmerland

Please work on answering the attached questions in class with your small groups.

Upload your answers either in a Google Doc OR a clear photo of handwritten notes.

If you have questions, please ask either in our meet or in an email.


Note Check: Google Keep  in Google Classroom

Note Check: Google Keep


Zimmerland Comprension Questions in Google Classroom

Zimmerland Comprension Questions

Please answer the following questions in this thread response.

1. What is the name of the module in the park where the narrator works?
2. What does the narrator use to activate his suit of armor?
3. What color wristband allows the patron to engage in physical contact?
4. What are the 3 options that patrons get in the narrator’s module?
5. What happens to the patron after he goes to “the Station”?
6. Name ONE of the things protestors have done to the narrator’s car.
7. Who does Melanie start dating after she breaks up with the narrator?
8. What is the name of the new module?
9. Who will the new module cater to (who is their target demographic)?
10. What changes does the narrator want to make to the module where he works?
11. What is Saleh’s actual ethnic heritage, AND who does she play in the modules?


On the Subway: Response Poem  in Google Classroom

On the Subway: Response Poem

In the sprit of empathy and point-of-view, write a response poem to On the Subway.

1. Choose to write in the point-of-view of another person who might be riding on the subway. You can choose to write in the point-of-view of the boy sitting across from the wealthy white woman OR a different person who might ALSO be on that subway car.

Some possible characters suggested in class: a student going to school, a teacher going to work, a woman holding a baby, a police officer, a homeless person, a fellon ( ex or current), a person in the military, a solicitor (someone selling or begging), a street performer, a blue-collar worker, a construction worker, a grandmother, children, a person who just lost their job, a health care worker.

2. Follow the format of the poem when crafting your response. Consider the use of figurative language and comparisons.

3. Make sure you choose your character and begin brainstorming ideas for tomorrow. ( 9/17/2020)

If you have any questions about this assignment, please ask!

Happy writing!



Discussion Questions: On the Subway  in Google Classroom

Discussion Questions: On the Subway

Please turn in your individual answers to the discussion questions for the poem, On The Subway, that were posted in class on Tuesday.

* Answer the following questions either in a Google Document or your notebook. Be prepared to discuss your answers tomorrow.

1. In your own words, what is this poem about? Indicate the lines within the poem that gave you this insight.

2. Describe the point-of-view within this poem. Indicate the lines within the poem that informed you of the POV.

3. In your opinion, what kind of person is the narrator of this poem? Use lines within the poem that support your ideas.

4. Do you trust the narrator’s observations? Explain why or why not using evidence.


Letter to Lekan!  in Google Classroom

Letter to Lekan!

Write a one page, typed letter to me that includes the following:

- Important information about you

- How you feel about English class

- Anything that’s difficult for you about English (reading, writing, research, communicating etc.)

- Things about English class that you did last year that were successful for you

- Things about English class that you did last year that you didn’t like or that weren’t successful for you

- Goals you have for yourself in English class this year

- What you expect of me as your English teacher

- Anything else you want to share

I will write back! I love getting letters, so please show off your steller letter-writing abilities. Don't forget to properly format your letter with a greeting and salutation. If you aren't sure what that is, please look it up!

If you have any questions, email or ask me in class.


Honors English IV: Book List  in Google Classroom

Honors English IV: Book List

If you haven't signed up for a FREE Padlet account using your Google CPS email, please view the link and register: https://padlet.com/support/account_createaccount

1. Follow the instructions on the Book List Padlet. Be sure to include NO SPOLIERS in your brief summary. For help, please read my exemplar posting.

2. On Friday, comment on at least 2 book posts.

3. YES, you can post book from ANY genre including a children's book you loved, graphic novel, manga, comic, or non-fiction text.


All About Honors English 4  in Google Classroom

All About Honors English 4

1. If you haven't created a FREE Padlet account using your CPS Google account, please use the instructional link to create an account: https://padlet.com/support/account_createaccount

2. Follow the instructions on the padlet and post your response.

3. By Friday, make at least three comments on other student posts.


HE4: Survey  in Google Classroom

HE4: Survey

Please complete the attached survey so I can learn more about your specific needs!
