Ms. Victoria Rymut » English I

English I

Welcome to English I with Ms. Rymut


CPS Course Description: The International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (MYP) is a philosophy of teaching and an approach to instruction. Students in the MYP explore significant content, develop skills, and deepen conceptual understanding through their engagement with global contexts. Teachers will plan using the MYP objectives and assess using the MYP criteria. This course provides a focus on foundational skills for success in an English Language Arts classroom. Students will build their capacity in the following areas: comprehension, fluency, vocabulary development, word structure analysis, sentence structure, and formal essay writing. Additionally, students will focus on becoming strong critical thinkers and communicators. 


English Team Mission Statement: The English team believes wholeheartedly in every student’s ability to learn. We nurture our students’ potential with teaching approaches that value accountability to equity, meaningful collaboration, engagement in purposeful work, global citizenship, and student voice. Our “classrooms” are safe spaces that foster honorability and allow students to take intellectual risks and make sense of the world. We believe that being scholarly means we value progress over perfection, and we celebrate all successes. Above all, our supportive team seeks to use our varied experiences and strengths to uplift and equip students by creating a family atmosphere that emphasizes mutual growth, where everyone feels valued and included in the process.


Please review the correct course syllabus below. 

  • Honors English I: 1st, 3rd, and 7th Period
  • English I: 2nd Period