Timothy J. McGowan » Mr. Timothy McGowan

Mr. Timothy McGowan

I am pleased to take this opportunity to introduce myself to you and to welcome to a new year at Amundsen High School. As I begin my 17th year at Amundsen, I look forward to getting to know my students and their families, and pledge that if you participate in our exploration I will do my best to make learning interesting, meaningful, and fun.
English IV
It is expected that all students in English IV will continue to advance their reading, writing, and critical thinking skills through guided practice. Students are encouraged to read with imagination, think logically, and write clearly and persuasively. Classes are generally discussion-based, occasionally thought-provoking, and hopefully fun. Most importantly, a positive learning experience is built on a collaborative effort among parents, students, and teacher. I welcome your emailed questions and concerns.
English IV classes will be held periods 2,3 and 7 
Film Study
Film Study at Amundsen is devoted to the study of film as literature and as a multi-cultural artistic discipline. The emphasis of this class is on film history, theory, and analysis. I hope to provide an interdisciplinary approach to the study of the moving image, which will enrich our student's other academic subjects with its critical and multicultural exploration of cinematic expression.
Film Study classes will be held periods 1 and 6
Mr. Timothy McGowan